Showing 51 - 75 of 190 Results
Elementary Lessons in Zology: A Guide in Studying Animal Life and Structure in Field and Lab... by Needham, James George ISBN: 9781146156226 List Price: $30.75
The Life of Inland Waters: An Elementary Text Book of Freshwater Biology for American Students by Needham, James George, Lloy... ISBN: 9781145699557 List Price: $23.75
General Biology: A Book of Outlines and Practical Studies for the General Student by Needham, James George ISBN: 9781145701052 List Price: $43.75
The Life of Inland Waters: An Elementary Text Book of Fresh-Water Biology for American Students by Needham, James George, Lloy... ISBN: 9781148146867 List Price: $36.75
Elementary Lessons in Zology by Needham, James George ISBN: 9781147119961 List Price: $29.75
Manual of the Dragonflies of North America (Anisoptera): Including the Greater Antilles and ... by Needham, James George, West... ISBN: 9780520029132 List Price: $90.00
Elementary Lessons in Zoology: A Guide in Studying Animal Life and Structure in Field and La... by James George Needham ISBN: 9781241647575 List Price: $29.75
Aquatic Insects in New York State: A Study Conducted at the Entomologic Field Station, Ithac... by James George Needham, Alexa... ISBN: 9781145564305 List Price: $35.75
The Natural History of the Farm: A Guide to the Practical Study of the Sources of Our Living... by James G. (James George) Nee... ISBN: 9781112502743 List Price: $26.99
The Natural History of the Farm: A Guide to the Practical Study of the Sources of Our Living... by James G. (James George) Nee... ISBN: 9781112328589 List Price: $16.98
Elementary Lessons on Insects by Needham, James George ISBN: 9780398043766 List Price: $24.75
Handbook of the Dragonflies of North America by Needham, James George ISBN: 9780398043797 List Price: $39.75
Life of Inland Waters by Needham, James George, Lloy... ISBN: 9780398043780 List Price: $19.75
Reports on Aquatic Insects by Needham, James G. (James Ge... ISBN: 9781172067985 List Price: $36.75
Reports on Aquatic Insects by Needham, James G. (James Ge... ISBN: 9781172067992 List Price: $36.75
Dragon-Flies of Illinois : With Descriptions of the Immature Stages. Part I. Petaluridae, Æs... by Needham, James George, Char... ISBN: 9781173598587 List Price: $53.75
General Biology : A Book of Outlines and Practical Studies for the General Student by Needham, James George ISBN: 9781173574055 List Price: $43.75
Elementary Lessons in Zoology : A Guide in Studying Animal Life and Structure in Field and L... by Needham, James George ISBN: 9781241647568 List Price: $36.99
Elementary Lessons in Zo�logy : A Guide in Studying Animal Life and Structure in Field and L... by Needham, James G. (James Ge... ISBN: 9781407782126 List Price: $28.95
Bulletin by Needham, James George ISBN: 9781246495386 List Price: $35.75
Aquatic Insects in New York State : A Study Conducted at the Entomologic Field Station, Itha... by Needham, James George, Alex... ISBN: 9781248779224 List Price: $36.75
Aquatic Insects in the Adirondacks, Issue by Needham, James George, Bett... ISBN: 9781248936665 List Price: $30.75
Burrowing Mayflies of Our Larger Lakes and Streams by Needham, James George ISBN: 9781179216843 List Price: $15.75
May Flies and Midges of New York; Third Report on Aquatic Insects a Study Conducted at the E... by Needham, James George ISBN: 9781231006092 List Price: $21.89
Aquatic Insects in the Adirondacks by Needham, James George ISBN: 9781235249242 List Price: $19.99
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